Monday: I started with a timer every 15-20 min and he would have a choice of his potty in his bathroom, mine, or the little potty in the living room. I wanted to make it comfortable for him as possible. This day we ran out of underwear before nap time so I got some laundry cleaned while he slept. I was nervous he would not even want to try after nap time but he was ok. with it. I had to let him choose when to start back. That night I go to 3 different stores to get the waterproof training pants, foldable potty seat (just in case we HAD to leave the house), and more underwear.
Tuesday: The morning starts off the same. We are still doing a timer but I have a customer come over and bless his heart he HAD to go while she was here and the potty in the living room was put up and he told me he couldn't get to it. I noticed when she left that he had not moved a inch and when he got up he was completely soaked. He is not having a problem doing #2 in the underwear and what is even is the big D!! HELLO could it get any worse and this point??? I had always heard moms talk about their children holding it in and it causing problems that way...NOT CAYDEN!! I'm starting to lose my patience. I have to have lots of "Mommy and Jesus time."
Wednesday: We are seeing a little progress. He had no accidents and I have done away with the timer. I am making him still go ALL the time to the point where there is just a few sprinkles everytime but at least there are no wet pants. No #2 that day so I start to get worried...
Thursday: I miss my Bible Study time to commit to Cayden and he is doing great until I let the time get away from me and he has a big accident. I think it clicked this time!! YEA!! HE realized what happened and he hasn't had a big "spill" like that since. I have caught him practically running to get to the bathroom and having an accident right at the toilet because he didn't make it. At this point he has been sitting to tee-tee. I'm trying to get him to stand but something is freaking him out. He finally was outside and he had held it a long time and I ask him to go see if he could go tee-tee on the tree and HE DID!!! He liked that...
Friday: GREAT DAY for everything (except #2). Accident free for 2 days and he is now standing to tee-tee, YEA!! We actually got to go out with my parents that night and eat at Raising Cane's and Cayden used the potty for the first time in a public restroom and he thought that was SOOOO cool. He had been in there with me before never really cared anything about them but it was different tonight. HE was getting to use the potty!! I was so proud of him!!
Saturday: GREAT!!!
Sunday: GREAT!! even Church!!
WAY TO GO CAYDEN!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that we can't get everything done in one week and it will come with time. #2 will be a learning thing and I can tell he wants to he just hasn't figured it out yet. I still have him in a pull-up/diaper at night and naptime because he still wets during those times and that will all work out with time.
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