I will start this off by saying that Aaron and I have been fortunate enough to buy our last 2 homes as new construction and not buy from a previous owner. Some will say we are spoiled but it just worked out that way both times. This time when we bought we had a really hard time looking at houses with other peoples' "stuff" in it.
The area we now live in is known as "Madison" if you are around or from Jackson. When people ask that is what we say. The housing market here was far beyond what we had imagined. There was SO much to choose from. Well the house we fell in love with was a house that had been lived in but it was what we wanted. Within the first week of living here I still didn't feel like it was ours. I say that because when I look at the wall or the floor and see things that I didn't put there it makes me wonder what happened for it to be there.
Aaron says I am crazy but I pride myself on wanting things clean and keeping it that way. My house may not be magazine picture ready all the time but I like to be germ free as much as possible. He can say all he wants but he is starting to like that and want things cleaned too. We can go somewhere and he wants to know if I have cleaned it and sprayed for germs (I love you, honey:) Here is where I am going with this...
I bought a steam cleaner and it is the best little thing EVER!
In the main walk area to and from the garage there our grout between the tile was a dark brown color and I knew that was not the color it was supposed to be so I was dying to get it cleaned. The previous owners had dogs and I didn't want to think about what may be in there. For those of you who love to have an inside pet this is a great tool to have. Cleaning products do not get the grout or hard to reach areas. I have a sense of power now that I have got it cleaned. The color is now a tanish color. Hallelujah to steam!
Here are some pictures of my tile floor where this little bad boy has done his job.
Oh, I feel so much better. I highly recommend a steamer to anyone. I know if I had had it before now I would have been using like crazy. Sometimes cleaners don't always do the trick you just think so because it smells good. I couldn't tell you if this particular one it the best brand. I thought it was from the reviews that I read.